Sunday, 6 September 2015

If You're Reading This

     Dear Visitor, welcome to the UN Channel. If you are a regular, and have come back to see whether I have finally gotten off my haunches and started writing this blog again, today is your lucky day. If you are a first time visitor, welcome to you, madam/sir!

     I do realise that it has been slightly more than a year since I wrote last. I attempted to shift the blog to Tumblr, but found that Blogspot has a unique blogging experience which Tumblr simply cannot complete with.

     I have had a rather interesting year so far. I have had more experience in academic writing, and hopefully I will be writing better material for everyone who comes looking for information.

     I would be open to taking any suggestions, regarding material, resources, and many other questions. As a student of Political Science, I would love to be able to give any help to anyone. Feel free to email me at, and I will get back to you via blog, or email.

     Thank you for coming back, and the faith you have shown in this minor venture of mine.